
China Building Tug Boats for Russia’s Far East ports


Damen Shipyards Changde (China) has laid the keels of two new tugboats being built for Vostochny Port and Magadan Seaport, Russia.

The new vessels are being constructed to the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping's (RS) ASD 3010 Ice and ASD 2609 class specifications. The construction of two further tugs, one of each specification, is planned.

The new tugs have ice class, and have been fitted with Arc4 ice strengthening to enable them to operate in severe ice conditions.

The keel-laying ceremony for each vessel was held at Damen’s yard in Changde on November 24 and November 25 respectively.

The ceremony was attended by Peter Vanyukov, director of the RS Branch Office in China, plus representatives from the shipyard, Vostochny Port JSC and Magadan Sea Port JSC.

Source:SinoShip News