
Nordic American Tankers to Offload Tanker Pair


Bermuda-incorporated Suezmax owner Nordic American Tankers (NAT) has decided to sell two ships, thus reducing its fleet size to 31 tanker vessels.

The move has been described as a means of “retaining the flexibility of NAT going forward”.

“We expect that the sales will take place over the next couple of weeks,” Herbjørn Hansson, Chairman & CEO of Nordic American Tankers, said.

NAT did not disclose details on the vessels being sold and World Maritime News is pending a comment on the matter from the company.

The sale is being announced as three newbuildings are expected to join the company’s fleet in July, August and October 2018, respectively.

Hansen added that the fleet adjustment “should be seen in this light.”

Moving forward the company says it is optimistic about the market outlook.

Source:secondhand tanker